
Posts Tagged ‘people

¨*•☆•¨Dance your heart out… dance¨¨over rugged machines*•over cynical ☆•ov•er mud¨dance when¨the tears cannot cry¨*•☆and crying becomes only out of joy¨*•☆when joy celebrates…all your pain¨*•☆and thanks eternity for enriching your soul*•☆•¨¨and the only stone you carry on is the one you rock ‘n roll!¨*•☆•

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  • lanaradovic: Good point! But lets say Einstein is not a hypocrite and does not consider himself an authority. Same stands for us. Whether authority or not someone
  • Quail: I just started thinking... unthinkingrespect means you take all of their ideas to be right... so then that means that I shouldn't be sitting here be
  • Lana Radovic: Tweet
